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            As a child, I was always keen on being fit and healthy. Once or twice when I was at school, I would be in the gym with classmates, but nothing really stuck because I just didn't want to. But over time I started to understand how much it meant to me when someone told me that I'd look great at their wedding, and not let my frame show, or to get this particular pair of jeans that I wanted to wear with my shorts. You see, I had a very active lifestyle as a kid. The most active that I ever had in my life was during summer. Summer is all about swimming lessons and beach parties so naturally there are lots of activities to do while spending most of your time outdoors. So, imagine going to a public place, where you have people around you who constantly interrupt you because they're bored watching TV. Instead, you’ll find yourself looking outside to enjoy nature. This is why fitness has become such an important part of many children's lives. It gives kids many things, like confidence, enjoyment and feeling good about themselves. If kids have an interest and passion for fitness, then chances are they will also develop a healthier lifestyle as adults.


A healthy diet is an easy way to start getting fit.


            Start by choosing foods from a variety of food groups and making sure you eat every meal thoroughly. Most importantly, try eating more vegetables than you usually do. Your body will thank you later. Make sure you eat foods that will not only give you energy and help improve your mood, but also boost your immune system, so that you are more resistant to illness. Eating fruits is also good for you in general. Try including fruit in meals to make them colorful and tasty. Some fruits that I love include oranges, raspberries and strawberries. Although these are delicious, they're still good sources of vitamins and antioxidants that promote overall health. On top of this, it helps protect an individual's heart, which makes it essential to consume a high number of fruits and vegetables each day. For example, a serving of apples is equal to one apple. Apples contain fiber, proteins, vitamins, minerals, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Fruits can easily replace saturated fats. They will also prevent you from having excess cholesterol which can cause heart disease and stroke. They're low in calories and keep your weight in check. In addition, they're a source of nutrients you need daily. That means if you're trying to lose weight then consuming fruits may help you do so. Eat more greens, whole grains, beans, etc. These foods are full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that can help you stay healthy and strong as you continue growing up.


Exercise is an essential part of living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining good mental health.


Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay 

            Being physically active promotes good cardiovascular health and can reduce the risk of developing various diseases including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and high blood pressure. Regular exercise can also prevent obesity by helping your body burn off extra fat that accumulates throughout the day. Whether you are training for a sports event or doing some housework, physical activity is a must. There's no substitute for healthy habits and a regular workout routine can help promote physical well-being while staying mentally healthy. Exercise will boost your immune system while boosting your brainpower. By engaging in regular physical activity, you'll increase your energy levels and help prevent fatigue. However, remember you don't have to spend hours on the treadmill. An outdoor play date is enough. Playtime with family, friends, neighbours, or friends you know in school can also be a fun way to work out. Participating in community events and sporting activities will bring back memories you can look back on fondly, while also reinforcing skills you've learned throughout your journey towards becoming a healthier person. Just be sure to avoid injuries and accidents. Don't forget about safety precautions including proper footwear, protective clothing, gloves, eye protection, eyewear, helmets, sunscreen, etc. Because sometimes injuries can happen anywhere, you should never travel without wearing your personal protective equipment. Always wear appropriate medical equipment if you have any kind of accident.


Healthy nutrition is essential for good health and longevity.

Image by 旭刚 史 from Pixabay 

            Foods rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids are found in abundance. Many people choose to rely on fast food or processed foods, which often lack healthy food options. People can benefit from incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into their diets to support healthy lifestyles. One benefit of fresh fruits and vegetables is that they offer anti-oxidants and antioxidants to protect against cancer, including colon cancer, which can cause digestive problems. Additionally, they may provide necessary vitamins and minerals that help maintain normal bone density, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure levels. Fresh fruits and vegetables are available 24/7 and you should take advantage of this and add them into your diet. Here are some tips and tricks to incorporate fresh veggies into your diet.

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