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In case this is your first experience with The Innovation Project, I hope to make it as easy and enjoyable for you as possible: we want every project to be successful and we will help any student who wishes to be part of our team create their own vision, develop an idea (no matter it’s related to tech or not), and bring it to life! I promise that our program will make you feel completely comfortable and supported during the entire process! Also thanks to Mr. Frank from Uvalde High School whose inspirational words “just like Uvalde” gave us extra energy and courage to continue moving forward in such intense times. This week has been quite exciting yet also very challenging since there was only one hour left for each group to present their product concept in front of our panel of judges, which we decided to split into 3 distinct categories: creative & problem-solving, future-focused, and business.

This year we will celebrate our 8th anniversary, and what better way than celebrating our most recent creations from our innovation teams. Here are some things we would love your feedback on while presenting them in person to our panel of judges.

Creative + Problem Solving

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay 

The term “problem solving” can go hand-in-hand with creating something new or coming up with a solution to a specific challenge. When thinking about a certain type of technology, they tend to focus more on how they will solve a particular issue. So, here are a few examples of different ways you could come up with a problem and then come up with an innovative technology that solves it:

Find someone willing to give their time voluntarily; they can choose from several people who seem like they have less free time during work hours. That would be great if you believe that your invention will attract volunteers like that. Start small; if you create something that helps improve students’ lives that are just as important as anything else on top of it. If you think your invention will change life completely look at those who already have?

Future Focused

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay 

Focusing on the future allows inventors and innovators to see where the innovation is headed in the near future. Our current generation relies heavily on computer technology, social media, and GPS systems, but we know the world is changing quickly, and maybe even forever. Maybe now is the time to innovate in these areas and try out something more futuristic (like drones or robots). At the end of 2021, we were actually working in collaboration with researchers around the globe to see how we can revolutionize teaching methods by experimenting with robotics or artificial intelligence. Think of this sort of technology as your gateway to developing new industries or technological paths. Some examples of these technologies include block chain, augmented reality, big data, etc.


Image by Ronny Overhate from Pixabay 

If you want to come up with something that’s going to become a massive success, start taking advantage of market trends and trends of competitors. You wouldn’t want to create a unique piece of wearable tech if no one thinks companies are buying them. Once again, if you’re creating something truly revolutionary it might take years before anyone gets a chance to test it or use it, so it’s best to just do some research beforehand. And when looking for inspiration for your upcoming inventions come up with questions like “how” and “why”, and you should always keep those two points at the forefront in mind.


Try not to lose the plot:

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 

As organizations, we want to keep on developing for business execution today and tomorrow as an essential concern. Tracking down item/market fit and it is still exceptionally pertinent to streamline the centre. Likewise, keep on building responsive, dynamic, and creative organizations which are considerably more prone to flourish during the inescapable framework changes that are not too far off. Look at Accenture's most recent perspective about cultivating development societies in a period of disturbance.

 Comprehend the butterfly impact:

Foster a comprehension of the framework, effects and results. You really want to rapidly filter for the most pertinent partners for your business and you want to do this in a manner that is worked for the at this point. In The Dock we have fostered a few methodologies in view of this. Our "Consequence Tool compartment" helps pioneers and technologists to get a more complete image of the results of their choices - positive and negative - past their expected results. Furthermore, our "Development Emergency" device surveys possible strain focuses in the plan of another contribution, which could have legitimate, moral, reputational, or monetary ramifications once it's on the lookout.

Rethink coordinated effort:

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 

Include various partners in your runs. List every one of your orthodoxies about co-development joint effort with contenders, controllers, colleges, new businesses, and some other possible accomplices and afterward tear them up. Presently reconsider the joint effort amazing open doors and begin exploring different avenues regarding new consortiums as enterprises rise, fall and combine.

Uncover a big motivator for you:

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 

 Organizations need to archive their advancing principles as they are coding their morals into their calculations. This incorporates algorithmic reasonableness and then some. Urge your business initiative to be ready to stand firm on subjects and urge your providers to do likewise. That could be choosing not to seek after an all out addressable market and going for the gold development. It very well may be standing firm on environmental change or variety that influences how you plan and market your advancements. It very well may be settling on difficult decisions on the domains you sell your item in or choosing where you source your unrefined substances from.

 This will not be simple yet I figure it will empower. We are more fit today than any other time throughout the entire existence of mankind and where there's a will, there's a way. To accept Tracker's invitation to battle, I anticipate telling my grandchildren that I dared to have my impact with an extraordinary age of pioneers to "release the best success mankind has at any point known" - as opposed to making sense of for them how I just held my head down and had no part in forestalling a "complete framework breakdown".

So how might we cooperate to get this going? That is building cooperative benefit, and that is the subject of our next board. If you have any desire to reach out, reach out.

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