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Did you know caffeine is an appetite stimulant and can affect your diet in multiple ways? Some studies have shown that consuming more calories from coffee increases appetite, which leads to overeating if not controlled.

Coffee has been drunk each morning without thinking how that extra energy boost changes your eating pattern and the entire body. When people consume large amounts of caffeine in a short period of time they become addicted to the substance. This is a dangerous habit and you should avoid caffeine as soon as possible for healthy life.

Effects of Coffee on the Body

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay 

Coffee can be a source of a lot of different harmful elements such as nicotine or cholesterol, which contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease (the leading cause of death), high blood pressure and diabetes. Coffee also has a positive impact on health and weight in some cases. It might keep us awake during the night or wake us up in the middle of the night with its soothing effects. However, we all need sleep at least once during our life.

How does coffee affect you when consumed regularly? We will discuss here three major areas where this substance can affect you: your brain power, memory and reaction speed.

Brain Power and Memory

Image by NoName_13 from Pixabay 

In the case of consumption of caffeine, it decreases the activity of neural pathways in the hippocampus – this area of the brain responsible for learning and memory. People may suffer from decreased performance on tasks of mental complexity. Besides, over-consumption of caffeine can lead to cognitive impairment and the inability to learn new information. Caffeine also causes drowsiness, depression, anxiety and headaches.

You need to understand the effect of coffee on both concentration and attention. Both substances slow down mental processes, lowering alertness and reaction times. If too much caffeine gets into your system, you might experience insomnia and other side effects. It’s important to limit consumption, but remember that there are alternatives to those who prefer a caffeinated beverage.

Brainpower and Reaction times

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For many people, the use of caffeine makes their bodies respond faster to stimuli. In addition, it slows down reaction times, making one’s thinking less effective. One study has found that the brains of regular smokers perform better than non-smokers.

This research was published by researchers at Stanford University, where participants were randomly assigned 1/3 coffee per day but were only given half of this dose at night. After 2 years, their results showed no significant differences in reaction times between non-smokers and smokers. There were no differences in reactions time after 12 hours after taking either supplement. But it’s necessary to mention that participants were not told something about caffeine before the experiment…


Image by stokpic from Pixabay 

Coffee helps maintain memory and focus, so we should try to moderate the amount of caffeine in our everyday routines. Although some people who drink coffee report remembering conversations they had while drinking it, most don’t. The reason is that caffeine destroys our ability to form memories. Drinking coffee just before going to bed significantly delays sleep. If an individual consumes caffeine right before falling asleep, it can make him feel drowsy and restless while he is trying to fall asleep itself. According to a randomized scientific study conducted by scientists at Tufts University School of Public Health, students exposed to caffeine reported higher levels of fatigue.

The same group of scientists found out that when they added sugar to the hot beverage to prevent any negative effects from caffeine, those who drank it continued to feel more tired. Therefore, if you find yourself feeling sleepy or fatigued after drinking coffee, it’s crucial to do so gradually to give your brain enough rest.

Reaction times

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We all know that humans react quickly to situations. It’s difficult for a person to remain attentive to every word someone says. Yet, alcohol affects your brain’s capacity to process information quickly. As a result, individuals who drink more than five glasses of wine a week will lose 3% of brain cells each year.

When you are under stress conditions such as fear or anxiety, caffeine may help to relieve tension symptoms, improving the quality of the environment. Taking into account that caffeine affects our mood and can negatively affect our mood, there is a possibility that caffeine can increase feelings of stress. Thus, we should stay away from those products that contain caffeine, like tea.

Coffee and Weight loss

Image by Eak K. from Pixabay 

Some studies have showed that drinking coffee can lead to weight gain. For instance, one study demonstrated that men who consume a daily cup of decaf coffee gained 11 pounds and women gained 10 pounds after four months of using a pill that contains caffeine. Another study found that one glass of decaffeinated black tea increased fat storage in mice. Many experiments have confirmed the mentioned evidence. Nevertheless, despite being inconsistent, these findings do not mean that consuming caffeine will help you reach your goals, because many factors play a role in this process such as lifestyle, the level of physical activity and genetics.

It seems that people tend to consume more calories than they burn through exercise, which leads to obesity or weight gain. Studies have found out that the effects of caffeine on weight gain are dependent upon the type of coffee. A cup of coffee contains approximately 100-120 mg of caffeine while a few cups of decaffeinated coffee contain none. High doses of caffeine taken in one sitting have been proven to cause weight gain. Hence, it is not a good idea to consume excessive quantities of caffeine.

A Word From Very well

Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay 

If you are looking for ways to reduce your intake of caffeine, it would be beneficial if you replace beverages such as coffee with non-caffeinated drinks, like green tea and herbal teas. These products have fewer calories than coffee and the risks should be lower than coffee. Moreover, these drinks take less time to prepare than coffee. Green Tea and Herbal Teas are a great alternative in terms of taste, smell and caffeine content. It is always better to choose these drinks instead of coffee because it gives you all the benefits of drinking coffee without any disadvantages and risks. Your body will thank you later!

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