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            We live in a society where it is easy to get distracted by our phones or Facebook posts. A healthy lifestyle can seem like an unattainable dream for many people. While exercise does give us our energy back, over time we start looking at things differently and wonder if maintaining fitness isn’t really possible. After all, there are lots of other ways to become fit. How often have we thought to ourselves, “I could just run or hop on my bike?” Or even “I have enough free time.”

            The truth is that losing weight is not about how much you weigh — it’s more about staying physically fit and keeping your metabolism working. These days, losing weight comes down to doing two things: eating healthfully and exercising consistently. Sure, cutting calories may help you reach your goal, but it won’t get you where you want to go unless you can stay on track for physical fitness. This is why it is so important to maintain good habits to keep your body in shape and strong. The following tips will help you stay motivated throughout those long winters when everything else seems cold and distant. Continue reading below to find out which habit should be your top priority and work on one aspect of your life to make sure you maintain your body’s natural state.



Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay 

            We often think that making healthier food choices is hard, especially since it involves giving away a lot of our control over what goes into our mouth. However, this mentality only makes eating unhealthy foods worse for everyone, including your waistline. Instead of stressing over the amount of sugar in what your kid is ordering for dinner tonight, let your partner order what they love and enjoy each meal. If it brings them joy, then do it. Eating right can positively influence both mental and emotional health. Plus, it is a way to give yourself credit for making healthier choices. It has been proven that when someone eats healthily, their mood improves, which is something worth considering when trying to maintain overall wellness. Another reason to eat healthy food is that it helps prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, along with heart disease and obesity. Many diets also include limiting alcohol consumption, though moderation is key. Choose less sugary drinks, cut back on dairy and white sugar-sweetened beverages, and try to avoid processed sugars from sodas. By implementing these changes in daily life, your chances of having a healthy lifestyle will increase exponentially. Get started today!



Image by Andrzej Rembowski from Pixabay 

            Exercising regularly can help improve your mood, lower inflammation levels, and burn approximately 500 to 1,000 extra calories per month. Exercising also raises endorphins in the brain, which fight pain and reduce stress, which also adds to the feeling of being good. Here are some examples of common exercises that will help boost your mood and feel your best while working toward your goals: swimming laps

Image by Oleksandr Pyrohov from Pixabay 

  • Dancing
  • Running
  • Skiing
  • Yoga
  • Weight training



Image by Ovidiu Negrea from Pixabay

            Physical activity is a great way to reduce depression and anxiety, promote positive self-image, and strengthen community ties. Whether you choose sports, walking, gardening, dancing, or any outdoor recreational activities, make positive connections with loved ones through social media channels and join local clubs to explore new hobbies. You never know who might be joining or helping you with any of these activities. Being active also gives other members in your community the opportunity to learn new skills, improve their well-being, and build community. Try becoming a member of a local gym or even volunteer your time with a charity organization that focuses on improving the environment. All of this can lead to a happier life full of friends, support, and positive energy. Join any club that interests you and start seeing results in every area of your life.



Image by Jiří Rotrekl from Pixabay 

            Keeping up with daily movement requires committing to specific times during the day. Setting aside 30 minutes of strength training before bedtime is an effective way to maintain daily fitness. Staying active throughout the day can be difficult without motivation but finding ways to move during the day helps prevent injury and promotes your independence. Some ways you can add movement into your day include using indoor cycling machines, yoga mats, or treadmills. Consider setting alarms or having your own personal alarm system, as this will motivate you to get moving immediately. Lastly, get outdoors regularly and choose activities such as running, hiking, or biking around town that will allow you to walk or cycle without needing any specific equipment or gear. Just make sure you use sidewalks or a place where there aren't too many cars or pedestrians. If you're feeling active, even just getting outside for five minutes a day can improve your ability to exercise. Set achievable goals and don't allow distractions to steal your focus. There might be plenty of reasons for starting a routine and making healthy decisions, but most importantly, stick to it. Do whatever works for you but don't put yourself under too much pressure. Take care of yourself first when you can, before focusing on others. Learn how to set realistic expectations with confidence when it comes to maintaining your fitness and living a meaningful life. Don't let circumstances change your plans, but instead learn to accept where you are now and do your best to remain focused on your goals.



Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

            Maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn't need to cost a huge chunk of money. What this means is that small acts of kindness are incredibly rewarding. Think of your friend who brings baked goods on vacation. They are happy to have something they make themselves, yet they take everything they made home and share it with you. When you reach out and buy them a coffee every once in a while, that's kind of awesome. That's even better if they bring cookies, chocolate, or candy for dessert. Even small gestures like these can have a big impact on how you feel and make your efforts worthwhile. At its core, kindness starts with thinking about people. Who do you think brings the most happiness into your life? Maybe it's someone who constantly cooks breakfast. Perhaps it's someone who puts up with you even though they are stressed. Whatever the case, consider spending a few minutes thinking about them and how they can make you feel better. Once you've done this, you'll realize that your relationship with another person can be a real game changer if you let it. Treat them the same way. Remember to ask for permission before taking things a step further, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't treat people with kindness. Be honest with yourselves but remember to always be genuine.



Image by Ferenc Keresi from Pixabay 

            Sleep deprivation is common among adults. But children can experience it just as frequently, which can lead to problems such as attention deficit disorder (ADD) or ADHD. Not sure how long kids need to sleep? According to Psychology Today, average night-time sleep time for an adult is 7 hours and 13 minutes for males and 5 hours and 17 minutes for females. Keeping up with your child's schedule does not necessarily mean cancelling time for play. As long as he/she is healthy and is able to cope with schoolwork and extracurricular activities, it doesn't matter if you're tired. Kids need to wake up early to attend school and have healthy meals. Children who wake before 8 am tend to have poorer grades than kids who can't sleep. Lack of sleep increases stress hormones and lowers cognitive function, which makes it easier for kids to struggle with academic performance. Research shows that lack of sleep significantly affects how quickly kids absorb information. Adults who had trouble sleeping had harder time learning and retaining information compared to adults who slept regularly. Kids who don't get adequate rest also tend to be overweight, which is another contributing factor for poor academic performance. Avoiding heavy food and alcohol intake can relieve symptoms of ADD and ADHD. Parents can also talk with their doctor about proper diet and exercise routines for children. Talk to the teacher about strategies to get kids to sleep on time and encourage them to complete homework when they feel tired.



Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay 

            Making healthier lifestyle choices is important for a lifetime of good health, and the easiest way to start making better choices is to simply pick healthier foods. Food is a fundamental source of pleasure, but it is also a powerful catalyst to make lasting behavioral improvements. People choose their favorite menu items based on taste and quality, but many still consume low-quality food that negatively impacts their health. One study discovered that nearly half of participants who chose fast food had lower intakes of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein than those who opted for healthier alternatives. Those who ate the least, meanwhile, consumed roughly twice as much fat as those who ate the most. On top of this, when people consume highly processed foods, they are likely to gain more weight over time.


You Can Help Yourself Improve Your Life

            To help you prioritize your health and wellbeing, here are three simple tips that you can implement right away. First, identify the areas within your life that cause the greatest amount of strain. Are you stressed over finances? Investing in better financial management means figuring out more expensive insurance options and potentially saving more money overall. Is work piling up? Cut back on office space. Less stress can translate into fewer headaches. Have your children growing faster than you? Start investing in childcare. Taking breaks from technology and allowing children to interact face-to-face can dramatically help improve their overall mindset of education. Finally, maybe it's stressful and overwhelming to plan your weekend. Decide what you'll eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and put together menus for the week ahead. 

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